Welcome to
In the Wild Photography
This website is dedicated to showcasing my own images and hosting a blog, where I'll pass along news, useful hints and techniques, cool ideas and other things of a photographic nature. And I mean that literally.
As the site's name suggests, my photography tends to focus almost exclusively on subjects found in nature, and in their natural habitats, including Amphibians & Reptiles, Animals, Aquatic Life, Birds, Flowers & Plants, Insects & Spiders and Landscapes. There's also a section for the weird, obscure and just plain odd stuff we all encounter on occasion as we go about our daily lives - Found In The Wild. Except where indicated, nothing has been staged or enhanced in any imaging software, so what you see is what I was lucky enough to shoot.
Most photos were shot in RAW digital format using a Canon 5D Mark II DSLR camera, though a few here and there were taken with whatever equipment was on hand at the moment - a cell phone, my wife's camera, so on and so forth.
So, check out the gallery and enjoy. Should you wish to use any images for any commercial purpose, please contact me here prior to use to obtain a license.